Roblox Script create a circular wall

Posted on May 6, 2020

Here a bit of math and trigonometry to create on the fly a wall around a circle like that:

First thing first, you need to put a Part in ServerStorage with the name Wall, then run this code from a main script:

local a = 0
local add = math.pi / 12
local radius = 30

for count = 0, 12 do
    local p = game.ServerStorage.Wall:Clone()
    p.Parent = game.Workspace
    local x = math.cos(a) * radius
    local y = math.sin(a) * radius
    local h = 20 + math.random(20)
    p.Position =, h/2, y)
    p.Orientation =, a*180/math.pi*-1, 0)
    p.Size =, h, 6)
    p.Anchored = true
    a = a + add

Happy generation!